Sunday, February 24, 2013

Why???... oh, I dont know!

Well, dont know why exactly I started a blog in the first place... My Netherland friend, Marieke, started one about her dogs and crochet (Mammadoggie), Growing Pack has had his own for quite some time regarding his dogs (you should really check it out Life with 2 powerbreeds, and Chico) and Mishka, the majestic Black Russian Terrier, owned by my French pal, Laura tells us all kinds of stories of raising of his sidekick Pasha (The apprenticeship of Pasha)... hope you guys dont mind me mentioning your blogs! 

So, here I am, having no clue as what to write about... I just thought of the "Underground Valley" and since I am a somewhat dark and mysterious human being, hey! I shall give it a try. Now... I dont do anything exciting. I am a pretty boring gal and most of my spare time is spent with my dogs. 

Oh yea, dogs! I have 2 beautiful (I think) dogs... Both found as puppies and as strays. 


First and foremost, my diva: Mimika. Husky/golden something something mix, 3 years old. She was found when she was about 2 months old at our islands cemetary, sleeping on a grave. I assume the person who left her there thought that it was a good place for a dog to be found and adopted. I wasnt going to keep her... but blondie stole my heart ( as my good friend Jo says "blonds do have that effect!") and so here she is with me and taught me patience... lots of it! I couldnt stand her high energy when she was younger. Sad to say at times, when walking, I wanted to just set her free and be done with it... after causing me a dislocated shoulder, lots of bumps and bruises, she finally matured into a loving, gentle, medium energy dog... I must have done something right and she helped me understand what its all about.

About a month after I found her

Day 1

This day

Now Vakis... O-M-G! Vakis is a whole different story. I am not sure he is 1 years old yet but he is a feisty little bugger! Found him last year while coming home from work... mid July I think it was. Have no idea how old he was... 3-4-5 months... have no clue and not even vet could quite figure it out. But he was a puppy... timid, scared of his own shadow and hungry. I had to chase him with my motorbike in the heat because he was so scared he jumped into the busy street and started running to "save" his life. After 10 minutes, he was so tired and hot, he just went into a construction site and sat in the shade. I grabbed him and so our life together begins. He was pathetic, poor thing... under weight, hungry, thirsty, dirty, full of fleas and ticks that were kind enough to bite the hell out of him... he has been with me since then and I thought he would never get through his shyness and fears. Mimika helped and he has turned out to be a little rascal!

He is a guard dog... or at least thats what he thinks. Now dont know if he will protect my house or me but he will bark his head off if he sees someone he doesnt know apporaching the house... testing his boudaries lately a lot but you know, I got this. He likes walking around all "I own the world" style, tail up, swagging like he is about to bust a move... but all in all he is a lovely dog, listens and loves to sleep... so I am not complaing... now breed? Hell, I dont know!!! Canis mutatis, I think is what my dear friend, Lenke from South Africa calls it... Adrienne on the other hand (CASA US sanctuary for dogs) says he might be some doberman mix... I dont care really... they are DOGS to me. You know those creatures who are concidered to be mans best friend?

Yea, yea... I prefer their company. Of course, they cant play board games, cant have a conversation with you (but you can with them, they always listen), they wont give you gifts on your b-day, hey they dont even know when it is! They cant do human things... ok, ok... I know. But really, honestly, who can truly say that a dog doesnt make you smile after a crappy day? I like silence... I dont like people yapping in my ear when I get home from work... I need peace and quiet and that is exactly what they have to offer. Balance, quiet and an energy that just makes you happy. They dont need much either. A stroke against their shedding furs, a word of love, a plate of food and a walk... Now why would I need more than that? I might be crazy for saying all this but you know, I dont care. If caring for my dogs and liking their company is crazy, yup... I am totally insane!!! 

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