I finally came to a conclusion... this blog will be about dogs. Simple as that.
Let me get this straight. I am not a professional. I am not a trainer nor a dog behaviorist. I dont even know if I am allowed to write about dogs. But, I will share my experiences, the way I see things and hopefully looking back on everything that has been written, I will learn a little more about myself and dogs.
This blog will not get into anything that has to do with dog food. Raw, BARF, kibble, canned... I refuse to start a debate about dog food because I just believe people should work with what they want and what they see fit for their dogs. I, myself, feed kibble... I have found a decent brand of food that suits my dogs and to tell you the truth... I dont really care about what I eat so I am not going to bust my head about what my dogs eat as long as it doesnt make them sick, at least for now. If down the road something is wrong, I will deal with it then. I will, for now, stick to what I know. They get their treats from time to time, some of my own food so I think we are ok.
Now, I dont know how much this all will be about the normal training... positive reinforcement, R+, R- and so on. Of course, I do not believe in harsh methods and some things I refer to might not even be accepted. I dont really teach my dogs to do tricks or to be guard dogs... yes, they know all the basics but that is not my goal. Its more of living with my dogs in peace in order to not cause me any trouble or burden and to not annoy others. That is my base of everything that revolves around dogs.
My knowledge for dogs is, lets say, ok. I am still learning and I am sure I will never stop learning. Nor do I want to. Every minute I spend with my dogs is something new, something exciting and amazing... I have the priviledge to pet sit for friends and aquaintances to gain more experience and thus, meeting different dogs and observing them. Seeing if they are a reflection of their owners or their surroundings and enviroment.
So, that is it for now. On a final note, let me say that I am not an eloquent speaker nor writer (if I may use that term). So if any mistakes during my writing, cut me a little slack. I am an every day person and have no intention of becoming anything more than that.